From Martin's father Dave Steyn....

Date: 4th August 04 

To all the Church members 

A Letter of thank you

 My name is Dave Steyn from South Africa and I am writing this letter from the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East

I am married to Louise who is the mother of Martin Brown he is a quadriplegic due to an accident in 1997. Martin is my son for more than 30 years and is always a very special son to me. 

Since Martin accident this is the 1st time any body ever helped Martin and Louise in way that the Church Members have done by contributing and donating this Pick-up Van to him. 

Nobody will know how life can change in an instance and the affect it have on your personal life where you are independent one day and dependent the next day. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the Church members over the years of which Martin and Louise are members of.

I thank them for all they have done for my family the support the prayers and the assistance in my absence from home. We would have never made it with out your love and care.

With this Pick-up Van you have open so many doors for Martin and his mother that they do not have to be boxed in side the house. You have given them more freedom to be part of a normal family and arrived at their destination with out the struggle of the smaller Van that was inadequate to trans port Martin

I am thanking every one of the Church members from the bottom of my hearth for all the prayers, best wishes and to every one that made a contribution to this very needed Pick-up you are wonderful and good hearted.


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